Slugterra: Slug it Out! FAQ

Where can I download Slugterra: Slug it Out!

Where can I get promo codes for Slugterra: Slug it Out!?

When will there be more episodes of Slugterra? Why did you stop making the show?

This article can help with these kinds of questions

Your Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I download Slugterra: Slug it Out!

Slugterra: Slug it Out! is still available on the App Store. It is no longer available on Google Play, although if you have downloaded it in the past then you should still be able to download it again through your Google Play account. We can't update Slugterra: Slug it Out! for Android devices any more because Slugterra: Slug it Out! was built native for iOS. We were able to port it to Android years ago using a software library, but that software library is no longer being updated so as a result Slugterra: Slug it Out! can no longer be updated for newer Android devices. That's the only reason why Slugterra: Slug it Out! is still available on the App Store but not Google Play. We would love to update Slugterra: Slug it Out! on Android but we just can't do it any more.

Do you have any other Slugterra games?

Our developers have been working on Slug it Out 2, and we continue to put out content updates and new world maps. You can find Slug it Out 2 on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store for Android users.

Did you know? You can talk with other Slugterra fans on the Slug it Out 2 Discord community. Show off your favourite slugs, share your fan art and chat with our game developers!

Where can I get promo codes?

Promo codes can be found in Slugterra products like toys and DVDs. The promo codes give free items in the game but they don't provide anything exclusive to the game. Someone with a promo code won't get something that you can't already get in the game.

Please beware of promo codes floating around the Internet: All promo codes are single-use only so there is no reason to share them. Please don't ask for people to post promo codes, and please don't post promo codes.

When will there be more episodes of Slugterra? Why did you stop making the show?

Slugterra was created by Nerd Corps Entertainment and is managed by WildBrain. We are the team that makes the Slugterra games. We are Epic Story Interactive! The future of the TV show is long and complicated (and possibly bright) so what we can say is this: If you want more episodes of Slugterra then tell your TV stations! Tell your friends to watch episodes wherever they can! Buy the toys and DVDs. The more interest there is for Slugterra, the more chance there is for new episodes!

Each Slug it Out! game update is regularly posted through Discord. Join other Slugterra fans on our Discord community!

Still need some help?

More related page links are coming! In the meantime, you can look through the main Knowledge Base, use the search field below or ask your question on our community Discord.

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