Reporting Bugs

Can I show you this bug I found?

I saw something that looks like a bug. Is this a bug?

How can I report bugs that I notice in the game?

How do I take a screenshot with my phone?

This article can help with these kinds of questions

Before you write your report, make sure what you’ve found is bug!

What is a bug in a game? What are some good examples?

  • When the game crashes or freezes

  • If you’re stuck on a loading screen

  • The art or graphics in the game don’t look right

  • You aren’t awarded the right amount of currency or items

  • Your progress isn’t saved after playing part of the game

  • If you notice any broken gameplay

What is not a bug in a game? What are some bad examples?

  • If you don’t like something or have feedback

  • If it’s not in the list above

Our Top Questions for You

These are questions we might ask anyway, so feel free to add them when you’re describing an issue.

What kind of device are you using? After you retart the device, does the issue still happen? What were you doing when you see this bug? What is your accountID?

ERROR! If you see any error messages, they can help us investigate bugs. Let us know if you see any.

Three Helpful Parts to Include

1 Tell Us

What is not working? The more you can tell us about what’s going wrong, the better we can investigate the issue. Here are some kinds of issues you might notice:

  • Updates or other changes causing crashing or other technical issues

  • Art, animation or other graphics are missing or are being shown in an odd way

  • The game behaving in a strange way e.g. a technique doesn’t work

2 Explain it to Us

How did you find this bug? Can you remember what steps you took that led up to the bug? Below are some good questions to ask yourself:

  • What part of the game was I in? Was I in a duel? Or in the shop, or even in world map?

  • What was my load-out? Who was equipped to my team?

3 Show Us

Take a screenshot on your device, then sending it with your report to help explain what’s wrong. You can use this support portal or visit our Discord community bug channels.

bonus tip: Taking Screenshots

Screenshots help us see the problem you see. Each device by each company might take screenshots a little differently, but here are some guides that might help.

Still need some help?

You can also visit the ESI glossary for a list of common developer terms.

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