If You're Missing Items or Currency

My favourite character is missing! Where did it go?

I didn’t get my item or currency from the IAP! Help!

Where are my bey gems? What happened to my beys, bladers or avatars?

This article can help with these kinds of questions

If you’ve made a purchase and you can't find the items listed on your Google Play or Apple App Store receipt from one of our games, we will be able to help you. This page has a few ways to double-check on what happened, so we can investigate with you.

At times, our players might miss or might not notice the animation sequence, so we’ve also written an article on Using Autosell in Beyblade Burst Rivals and in Ben 10 Heroes.

Finding Your Google Play or Apple App Store Receipt

We’ve written two articles for helping customers find their receipts on iOS and Android devices, which include all supported phones and tablets. In most cases, we will need you to provide a receipt or your account ID for us to investigate the issue.

Looking at Your Inventory

Please take steps to double-check that you have not received the item. Players can sort their inventory by name, tier, level and bey type, depending on the item. Any active beys are displayed up top.

Sorted by name

This view sorts your beys, bladers and avatars by their name, with a bey like “Air Knight” at the top of your list. Two of the same item will appear side by side.

Sorted by tier

This view sorts your beys, bladers and avatars by their tier, with 5 items appearing at the top of your list.

Sorted by level

This view sorts your beys by level, with the highest possible level appearing at the top of your list.

Sorted by bey type

This view sorts your beys by type, with all beys from the same family appearing side by side. This includes special edition beys like gold, ice, or shadow.

Bonus tip: Beys of the same family will sell for the same type of bey family tokens and cores. Sort by bey type to sell any extra beys and tier them up.

Sorting by Name vs. Tier

When sorting by name

Beys, bladers and avatars (shown in the image to the left) will be arranged from A–Z, and duplicates will be down together.

When sorting by tier

Beys, bladers and avatars (shown in the image to the left) will be arranged from 5 to 1, which means duplicate beys in the same family will not be shown together.

Looking at Your Currency

Currency can be difficult to keep an eye on, but we will be able to review your history when you contact us. Please make sure to write a helpful description of the issue, or see our walk-through on our Reporting Bugs page.

Your bey coins and gems are displayed at the top of your screen.


Your bey family tokens and bey cores are displayed on the Upgrade screen on for beys in each family. This screenshot shows BTM family tokens from Betromoth beys.

Verify Your Receipt and Your Items

When you’ve confirmed any missing items or currency against your store receipt, please contact us. We will be able to review your issue and place your purchases on your account, where they should be.

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