Requesting a Refund

How can I request a refund for purchases in your game?

My child purchased something without my consent. What do I do next?

I’ve accidentally bought something, can I get my money back?

Someone used my credit card to buy items in your games. Where can I get help?

This article can help with these kinds of questions and concerns

Google Play or Android customers must make a request to the Google Play Store within 48 hours of the purchase.

Unauthorized Purchases

For all unauthorized purchases, including ones made by children or strangers, we will be able to help you with your refund request.

Please also send us a support request if you notice any

  • Failed payment on Android

  • Failed payment on iOS

Still need some help?

More related page links are coming! In the meantime, you can look through the main Knowledge Base, use the search field below or ask your question on our community Discord.

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