Allowing Game Permissions

Why doesn’t this game run on my phone?

This game used to run, but now it’s stopped working!

How can I get my game working again???

This article can help with these kinds of questions

You may have run into trouble launching the app if the permissions were not set on your device. This can be solved by changing your device permissions.

The following titles require permissions to run properly on Android devices.

  • Beyblade Burst: Rivals

  • Ben 10 Heroes

  • Slug it Out! 2

If the app notifies you for this, select Yes to allow permissions.

When the app first launches, it will ask for permissions. If you tapped No, you will be able to fix the settings with this guide.

Setting permissions on Android smartphones and tablets

Below are some general steps for setting app permissions. Since each Android device will be a little different, you can also check Google’s Guide to Device Permissions.

basic steps: Settings > Apps settings > App info > Permissions > turning permissions on

1 opening device settings

Find and tap the cog icon on your phone or tablet, which will open the device settings.

2 finding the Apps settings

Under the device settings, tap to open the Apps settings. It will open a list of apps that are stored on your device.

3 tapping the game icon

Scroll through the list of apps on your device, until you find the game icon and title. When you tap the icon, it should open up the App info screen for that game.

4 opening up App info

The icon for the title will appear on this screen, along with more options further down the screen. Scroll through to find the Permissions option.

5 tapping Permissions

When you’ve found the Permissions option, tap on it to open the App Permissions settings.

6a noticing permissions off

This screenshot shows a device with permissions off. These settings manage certain parts of your phone, like Storage or Telephone. Since the game requires these permissions to work on Android devices, they must be turned on.

6b turning permissions on

Since the title requires permissions to work on Android devices, we can turn permissions on here. Tap to activate the toggle icon for all App permissions required for the game.

Our games require device permissions in order to run properly on your Android device. We are not collecting any personal data from your device. If you are concerned about your privacy, please review the privacy policies for our games on our support website.

Setting permissions on iPhones and iPads

Generally, iOS devices do not require special permissions. If you notice the app not working on your app, send us a support request.

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